Find out more about StoneWater Training and Phil from these articles


    For three years, Lt. Col. Phil Kornachuk worked with the Montana State University football team each off-season to help them build a leadership council and grow closer as a collective group. The tactical training the Bobcats would engage in challenged the fortitude and fitness of the young men, but also the aptitude and ability to communicate during highly stressful, complicated situations.

  • Holding the Ladder in Sport and Leadership Podcast

    Who was the best leader you’ve ever followed? Who was the worst? How has leadership shaped or changed your life?

    I took a moment to ponder my own answers to these questions as I sat down with Phil Kornachuk to discuss leadership training and how he has recently implemented ….

  • MTNTOUGH Mindset

    MTNTOUGH Mindset is a groundbreaking new program wholly designed to give our community practical, powerful tools to build mental toughness and make meaningful impact in their lives. This 10-day Mental Toughness Program was built in partnership with our good friend Phil Kornachuk.